Tidal Management Team

  • Patrick Thompson

    Patrick Thompson


    Patrick was born and raised in New Jersey. Before founding Tidal Management, Patrick worked in the Restaurant industry while attending college where he studied Sports Management with a minor in Marketing. He also played Volleyball during his collegiate career. In his spare time, Patrick enjoys Golfing, Surfing, attending sporting events and many other outdoor activities. Patrick Is also an avid Philadelphia Sports fan. Patrick is a firm believer in the success of an individual comes with the success of the team. Patrick’s future goals are to continue to help the individuals around him grow and develop both personally and professionally and provide them with the same opportunity that he was provided with.

  • Marqus


    Human Resource Manager

    Marqus is from Willingboro, New Jersey. Before working at Tidal Management he was in the military and worked in the factory industry. In his free time he enjoys watching and playing football. Since working here at Tidal he has learned how to be a student at all times and to never say no to an opportunity. His future goals are to retire with Tidal Management and be able to offer the same life changing opportunity that was presented to him.

  • Anita


    Human Resource Manager

  • Conner


    Branch Manager

  • Evan


    Branch Manager

  • Luke


    Branch Manager

  • Semaj


    Branch Manager

  • Gabriel


    Assistant Manager

  • Abraham


    Assistant Manager

  • Nanbol


    Training Manager

    Nanbol is originally from Nigeria. Before working at Tidal Management he was a Data Analyst at the Ministry of Communication. Some lessons that Nanbol has learned working here is that pressure is a privilege. We can’t let opportunities to test ourselves pass by us. Pressure is the privilege to try even-harder, to win bigger, and to experience the full range of feelings that life has to offer us for the brief time we are here. Nanbol’s future goal is to open and run a new Verizon location in the next three months.

  • Fernando


    Compliance Manager

    Fernando was born in Mexico but raised in California. Before working at Tidal Management he was a General Manager at Wendy’s. He enjoys cars, traveling and learning new skills. While working here he has learned how to build great habits for himself. His future goals are to retire his parents and have a beautiful family and home.

  • Chris


    Account Manager

  • Roland


    Account Manager

  • David


    Account Manager

  • Mark


    Account Manager

  • Dennis


    Account Manager

  • Stergios


    Account Manager

  • Isaac


    Account Manager

  • Dario


    Account Manager

  • Jesse


    Account Manager

  • Josh


    Account Manager

  • Jaylen



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